Newark Steampunk Festival 2024

Newark Steampunk Festival 2024

Keen to try out some new Steampunk weekends I came across the Newark Steampunk Festival. I noticed that there was a pretty active Facebook group called The Newark Steampunk Society and someone I’ve met on other weekends who I follow on Instagram called Craig Jenkins indicated that it was an event worth attending.

Newark Steampunk Festival May 2024

The festival took place on the late May bank holiday. I only attended for a few hours on the Sunday to take street portraits. On the Friday evening there was a Steampunk themed Gala ball which took place in the ballroom of Newark Town Hall. On the Saturday and Sunday most of the action took place in Newark Royal Market, a grand looking market square where there were a number of stalls selling Steampunk clothing and accessories. Feeling slightly hungry I visited an amazing looking Steampunk inspired burger van that was based on an old London Taxi. They are called Good Lads and had come all the way from the North East of England.

Even though I was only there for a few hours I managed to get quite a few street portraits. The gallery below is just a small selection, more appear on my Instagram and Facebook pages.

Having joined the Newark Steampunk Society Facebook group and uploaded my images I received a number of positive comments. They really do seem like a friendly bunch and in chatting with a few of them it seems I’m likely to bump into them at future Steampunk weekends. I may even get myself a Steampunk costume or two later this year! Being only a 90 minute drive from where I live I hope to attend future events organised by this group.

If you would like to know more about Steampunk events you might like to visit my articles on some of the other events I’ve attended below.

Tenby Steampunk Festival

Blists Hill Steampunk Weekend

Papplewick Pumping Station Steampunk Weekend

Whitby Steampunk Weekend

Lincoln Steampunk Festival

Crich Tramway Steampunk Weekend

Haworth Steampunk Weekend

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